If you’re looking for Erie, CO meal prep companies to order from, you’re probably familiar with how this whole meal prep thing works—at least partly. Fresh, delicious, pre-cooked meals show up at your house. Easy right? 

It is easy, but many people want to know more about the nitty-gritty details before they decide to use Super-Natural Eats.

Before you get started with Super-Natural Eats, it’s important to keep in mind that if you don’t keep up with your diet, it won’t work. Eating healthy is not just about what you eat, but about a quality diet in general. This means it’s important to avoid eating too much junk food or drinking soda and juice. If you’re not careful, it might be hard to find enough time to cook every meal. If you start to experience these issues while using Super-Natural Eats, be sure to check out the tips we have provided to help you out!

So in this blog post, we’ll break down what the process is like so you can know what to expect.

Fresh Meal Prep in Erie, CO

When you order from Super-Natural Eats, the online ordering process is as simple as possible. We allow you to choose portions, number of meals, and whether you want to choose from our signature meal plan or customize your own meals. 

Once you’ve ordered, we’ll begin delivering your food on Wednesdays and/or Saturdays along the Erie/ I-25 corridor region. Our delivery drivers will drop off an insulated bag filled with your meals and send you a text letting you know your food has been delivered. Prior to COVID, we tried to make sure we were handing off the meals directly to a person. But in today’s world, we know that touchless delivery is important to many, and that’s why we’ve updated our systems. You can learn more about this process in a recent Instagram post.

Sustainable Meal Prep in Erie, CO

Your meals will come in individual containers. But one thing that sets Super-Natural Eats apart from other meal prep companies is that we care about sustainability and strive to be a zero-waste company. So on the evening before your next delivery date, simply place your insulated bag outside on your porch, filled with your washed containers, and we will swap it out the next day with your new bag of meals.

Back in the kitchen, our team washes and sterilizes the containers to reuse or recycle them. This significantly cuts down on the waste from our operation. With such efficiency in the kitchen, the waste from our activities is reduced by almost 50%.

Sign Up Today

If you’re looking for a way to make your meals healthier for you and your family, look no further! Super-Natural Eats will help you find the right way to make tasty dishes that you can feel proud of! They have vegetarian and vegan meals, gluten-free dishes, and paleo-friendly meals, too! They’ll even help you change your habits and learn new ways to enjoy your favorite foods!

Ready to make healthy meals so much easier? Order now from Super-Natural Eats! We can begin delivery right away, and you can stop stressing about cooking dinner.

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